The Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association of Greater Austin


The PBKAAGA welcomes anyone elected to Phi Beta Kappa to join our association, whether you have been elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa in the Greater Austin Area or beyond.  We have members who were elected locally as well as people from across the country.

If you are interested in joining PBKAAGA and in participating in our meetings and initiatives, please join and/or renew your membership using one of the two options below.

There are four levels of membership in PBKAAGA:

  • Single - $45
  • Joint (covers two members in the same household, each a PBK member) - $70
  • Life Member - $1,000 - never need to renew; 100% goes to the Scholarship Endowment Fund
  • Student Member - $22.50 (available for 1 year)
On-line Membership

Members may join PBKAAGA or renew their memberships on line.  In order to use our on-line system, you need to have a member profile and be logged in.

If you already have a member profile, when you log in using the black box below the navigation bar to the left, you will see a yellow bar at the bottom of this page that directs you to where you update your information, renew membership, and make payments.

If you do not have a member profile, you will need to create one using the on-line membership form below. Complete this first page and use the Next button to proceed.

Paper Membership

If you prefer to complete a paper form and to send it to us with a personal check, then please use this PBKAAGA_Membership Form 2025.docx Please send the completed membership form to us at:

P.O. Box 5366
Austin, TX 78763-5366

Please make your checks payable to "PBKAAGA"   Your check will serve as your receipt.

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